by Robin Farnsworth | Jan 15, 2017 | Redemption, Women
“The school wants you to skip a grade,” my mother said, like you would say, The dentist wants to drill your teeth. I checked her expression, my 7-year-old face turning slightly towards her voice. She was downcast. Tired. It had been a year of multiple trips to the...
by Robin Farnsworth | Aug 29, 2013 | Dementia, Hope, Random, Women
“Ama, are you shrinking?” The question was posed by my five year old granddaughter, and it made me stumble a bit at first. Could you tell? Was it THAT noticeable? When I mentioned our conversation to my son, he tried to comfort me by saying that she had been asking...
by Robin Farnsworth | May 21, 2013 | Hope, Love, Random, Women
“Jesus, it’s so crazy following you ,” I thought as I gazed out of the airplane window onto the brown and green patchwork of upstate New York farmland. To my far right I could see a huge expanse of water; one of the great lakes, I guessed. I smiled in mixed wonder and...
by Robin Farnsworth | Jul 13, 2012 | Redemption, Women
I bought the dainty little tea cups at a small yard sale, many years ago, when yard sales held surprising treasures, mysterious keepsakes of someone’s past, perhaps gone now; a part of their life displayed curiously on an old card table. I only know they were an...