Noel (Offline)

Noel (Offline)

*** Dear friends, This is a repost, but also a timeless reminder to slow down this Christmas season! The internet went out on November 24th. At first I thought, No big deal. I can get around it. But one day and one hour with tech support turned into a week and...

Feeling Young Again

*** I am so pleased to once again, share a  post with you from my son and favorite guest blogger, Miles Macleod. It is a beautiful and insightful take on Matthew 18:3. You can follow his family blog on Enjoy!     So it’s...

Fox Hunters and Heart Keepers

Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards, for our vineyards are in blossom.” Song of Solomon 2:15 ESV          “It’s my fault,” my husband admitted as we scooped the garbage into a new bag. “I should’ve put a lid...
And Be Thankful

And Be Thankful

Grateful. The rain falls straight and dense, hammering the gutters and bulkhead doors in a staccato rhythm. Stay in. It’s November, it’s the day before Thanksgiving and two days before Black Friday. Traffic is thick and edgy. My husband and I just...