Small Stories of a Big God

3 Point Shoot Out

Yarmouth Annual Spencer Macleod Three Point Shoot Out Every summer for the last seven years, Victory Chapel, through the Yarmouth Parks and Recreation department, has held the Spencer Macleod Three Point Shoot Out. It’s an event that reaches into the community, to...

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With Thanksgiving and Lots of Prayer

  Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6      It was a master plan. Everything had been timed perfectly. We had even made a dry run the day before, calculating...

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Meeting Bo

I’m still not sure why Bo and I met. I’ve learned to not question God, or at least not to require an explanation. Sometimes answers, or the way we see it, can ruin the beautiful mystery of heaven touching earth. But before I had a chance to meet Bo, my car had to meet...

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Agree with the One You Don’t Agree With

  Agree with your adversary quickly… Matthew 5:25 Notice Jesus doesn’t say, “Make your adversary agree with you” or “Try to work things out”. He simply tells us to do something oppositional. Agree and adversary. They don’t belong together. Oh, and make it fast....

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The People of God

“Jesus, it’s so crazy following you ,” I thought as I gazed out of the airplane window onto the brown and green patchwork of upstate New York farmland. To my far right I could see a huge expanse of water; one of the great lakes, I guessed. I smiled in mixed wonder and...

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Edisto or What I Tried To Do On My Vacation

The Murray clan of Scotland left their native land in the 1700’s, fleeing political and religious persecution. No, that’s not it. The Murrays left Scotland in the 1700’s, braving the tempestuous Atlantic for the lure of wealth and treasure in the new land of America....

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Finding Shelter

It’s freezing out. Literally, things are freezing by the minute, like car doors and the cat’s water dish and I’m sitting in the comfort of my dining room watching the birds and squirrels partying at the feeders, relieved I filled them yesterday. It was so beautiful...

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A Writer’s Block-Head

A Writer’s Block-Head

I’ve had writer's block for about a week now. At least that’s how long I have wanted to write something but can’t. They say you should just write anyway, a defiant shaking of the fist at the blank page, like, “The blank page is beautiful” one hundred times or more....

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Press Pause

Selah (Hebrew: ‫סֶלָה‬‎, also transliterated as selāh) is a word used 74 times in the Hebrew Bible – 71 times in the Psalms and three times in Habakkuk – and is a difficult concept to translate. It is probably either a liturgico-musical mark or an instruction on the...

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The Incredible Invisible Shrinking Ama

“Ama, are you shrinking?” The question was posed by my five year old granddaughter, and it made me stumble a bit at first. Could you tell? Was it THAT noticeable? When I mentioned our conversation to my son, he tried to comfort me by saying that she had been asking...

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My Other Life

*****Guest blogger and big brother Bob Gulian agreed to help me out this week. He's been doing that (helping me out ) for many, many years. If you read the last blog about my six week stay in a nuthouse, I failed to mention that this guy drove through midtown...

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Reflections of a Father’s Love

It was clearly a man’s world, the hardware store in downtown Old Greenwich. And I felt part honored and part trespasser when I followed my dad through the door . It was Saturday morning, part of a ritual my dad kept, probably to keep himself grounded after a week of...

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Happy Mother At Last Day

I heard the text ringing through as I was at work on Sunday. I could see it was from Bob, my brother and that there was a picture attached. I quickly opened it and smiled. There was my mom, obviously outside with Bob on a beautiful spring day, and clenched in her hand...

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True Love 101

But what does love look like? It was the unmistakable voice of God, the press of the words gentle but firm. What does it look like? It seemed enough that I had forgiven the six men responsible for my son’s murder. I said it and meant it, and it was even printed in the...

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The Gift

  The Gift 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 The Message (MSG) Because of the extravagance of those revelations, and so I wouldn’t get a big head, I was given the gift of a handicap to keep me in constant touch with my limitations. Satan’s angel did his best to get me down;...

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Tender Mercy ( or No Regrets)

Tender Mercy ( or No Regrets)

It’s November 12th and I’m looking out my window at a winter wonderland. It’s been steadily snowing for an hour and the ground is white, my hanging plants, which are still flowering, are frosted. Back in the garden I can imagine my little baby radishes trembling under...

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Higgins Beach Revisited

Fifty years. I was standing on the small strip of wet sand that had been almost completely swallowed up by the full moon high tide and I was trying to remember. And then it occurred to me it had been fifty years. I was seven years old the last time I played in the...

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What Matters Most

August 11th marks the two year anniversary of this website and the very first blog I ever wrote.  I still think “blogging” is a strange exercise of 21st century mankind, but it’s grown on me.  A couple of years later, it’s become a routine. A writer friend of mine...

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A Picture Story

The loose stack of pictures slid from my Bible as I opened it and cascaded towards the floor, fanning out in an array of color. I quickly grabbed at them before they slid out of reach, careful to not bend them. I laughed to myself because this has happened before,...

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Ada’s and the Five Dollar Heist

In hindsight, it was a creepy hiding place, and not my favorite one at all; just a small cement room built under our back porch. It was probably meant only for firewood and maybe coal; a perfect home for spiders and mice, with a small door accessible through the back...

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Fear No Evil

Crowds cheered. Celebratory fireworks went off, hundreds marched down Commonwealth Ave. singing “USA” and “Sweet Caroline.” In the distance, church bells triumphantly rang out. Cars honked and teenagers waved American flags. The mayor tweeted, “We got him!” What was...

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The Cross or What’s So Good About Good Friday?

March is beautiful somewhere. But not here. I’ve always been a big defender of the month nobody loves because I was born right near the end of it. Hence the name, Robin, as in “first sign of spring”, although with global warming the robins have become confused and...

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The Visit

Jermaine was running late. He had forgotten his wallet and had to backtrack. I sat in the prison parking lot and weighed my options. It was cold out, and I was nervous. Sitting in my car looking at my phone would be a poor way to kill time. I watched as yet another...

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