Small Stories of a Big God
The Fruit of Our Lips
“He is thy praise and He is thy God.” Deuteronomy 10:21
The bright light escaping from behind the shades shook me awake and I sat up quickly straining towards the clock. Only 6:35. I pulled the shade down and it snapped up, making more noise than I wanted. My eyes were instantly assaulted so much
Night-Shifting or Please Don’t Feed the Zombies
Psalm 42:8 (ESV) By day the LORD commands his steadfast love, and at night his song is with me, a prayer to the God of my life. To quote Charles Dickens, “Never say never.” And one more famous quote, “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread” (Alexander Pope,1709 and...
Ventilators, Constellations and Other Things I Can’t Explain
“I know this time of year is hard for you…” the email began. It was from a friend whom I had met through the unfortunate commonality of losing a child. And my heart smiled. She was comforting me, unconsciously learning the “gift “ of 2nd Corinthians 1:4, from a God...
A Different New Years Eve
Mire (noun): wet, slimy soil of some depth or deep mud. (Verb): mired, miring: to plunge and fix in mire; cause to stick fast in mire,to involve, entangle. December 29th. I don’t know why this date stuck, because I never got a chip or token, but it did. I counted back...
Paying it Forward
I planted the beets according to instructions in September, refusing to let the cold dirt go to winter yet, and sure enough they grew, just like the paper packet said. I call my husband the Dirt Man because every spring he carefully turns over the hard ground, adding...
The Victor’s Path
Molly was my best friend, hands down. We met at Mrs. Krumick’s desk in third grade, as I watched her staple her thumb, then stare at it in disbelief while I waited for her to scream, but she didn’t. Molly was blond. Her mother was the only single parent I knew back...
The Perfect Gift
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comethdown from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. (James 1:17 KJV) The other day I had so many bright ideas I had to lie down and take a nap. I’m sort of stuck with...
For Those Who Can Never Forget
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. He determines the number of the stars; he gives to all of them their names. Psalm 147:3,4 (ESV) Rosie and I resumed our walks around the pond this week. Summertime we are banned (well, dogs are) which is fine... Turns Three (or There is Nufeng Like God’s Love)
I stepped out on my son’s deck yesterday morning and noticed right away that the temperature had suddenly dropped. The air smelled sweet with crape myrtle blossoms and a gentle wind swept upward into the tall oak trees behind the house, shaking the drying leaves so it...
Walk in Love
A lot of things had changed, especially the old neighborhood. But the graveyard had mostly remained the same, except for the missing climbing tree. It had been fifty years, so it’s hard to remember when the beautiful dogwood tree came down, the tree that gave shade to...
Devotion : What do You say?
Devotion : What do You say? Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil. Matthew 5:37 ESV It was twelve years ago but it was a simple conversation with God that I will never forget. I stood in my living room staring out of the...
I can still see the crazy little stage in the woods with the Christmas lights around it in July. Then a big sign lit up above it that said, “Escape”. It was a Christian concert and many people brought tents to camp, kind-of a Jesus Woodstock, I thought. The “Escape”...
Your World or Mine?
The reality is never like the fantasy. I proved it over and over again during the two weeks I just spent with my granddaughters. But the reality is much more entertaining... and humbling too. We started out on our adventure after saying goodbye to mommy and daddy as...
Casting Bread
Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Psalm 127:3 ESV At 2:35 PM, on May 23rd, Eli Hudson Farnsworth was delivered into this world, and my first grandson was born. Thanks to 21st century technology, I watched him holler with...
The Mom Switch
I rounded the corner from the elevator and scanned the small room. Why do all little old ladies seem to look alike? I thought. Then I heard my brother say, “There she is! Hi mom! “ I followed his eyes, his wide grin as he moved towards the corner of the little room....
Deeper Still
My phone rang and I could tell by the caller ID that it was David. I waited for the automated voice to explain to me that I was receiving a call from an inmate at Norfolk MCI, then some warnings and disclaimers before I pressed 1 to connect. “Hello!” David called into...
Jesus and Jelly Beans
(I wrote this post two years ago, but felt compelled to re-post for those that missed it first time around. Happy Easter to all!) I did not expect to wake up to the sound of jelly beans hitting the walls and windows. But as I sat up and blinked twice I realized it was...
Coming Home (or It’s Not My Party)
Friday Dawn I lay in the dark and tried to locate my two granddaughters by their breathing. Brooklynn, age five, had a slower, softer and more rhythmic breath. Olive, at three, had a little bear-cub growl on inspiration and I could tell she was right below me on the...
Beyond Hope
If you doubt that spring is in the air, just visit Christmas Tree Shop on a Saturday afternoon, especially when the temperature has finally stretched past forty. I needed a frame and a lamp, and knowing the danger of entering that store and thinking you can leave with...
What-if on a Would-be Birthday
I rolled over and peeked through the shade. Still dark. The clock said 4:28 and I lay back down, sighing deeply. Thirty-four years ago, plus about two hours, my life had just been turned upside down. I became a mother. Spencer Timothy Macleod had burst upon the scene,...
Not For Sissies
“That’s it. I quit.” I lifted myself back down through the crevice, wedging my left knee between the two huge boulders and dangling my right foot into midair, searching for a place to step down to. “We’re almost there! You can do it Robin. I can help you!” my...
What Do You Say?
Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil. Matthew 5:37 ESV It was twelve years ago but it was a simple conversation with God that I will never forget. I stood in my living room staring out of the window, somewhat astonished...
Surprised by God (Boot Straps Not Included)
I watched an interview with an earthquake survivor recently and I was intrigued by something she said; “If an earthquake wakes you up, you never think This is an earthquake. You’ll think it’s anything else.” We are reason-able creatures. Therefore, a dog probably...
There is a Season
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1 KJV (also the Byrds 1960’s) The ground was soft, giving way under my steps. I couldn’t help but think that this same path was covered by snow, drifting up to three feet,...
All is Calm, Finally
Christmas was chaos this year. I kept trying to escape it, to climb up higher, where I could see far over it all and find perspective but I failed. A couple of years after Spence died, I expressed to my mother, who had also lost a child, how hard Christmas was now....