Remembering Timmy

Remembering Timmy

The boy with the blond hair poking out from the dirty baseball cap grabbed his mitt and ambled across the lawn, then crossed the street. “Where you going?” I called after Timmy. “To the school.” He turned enough to catch my face, then he skipped onto the sidewalk....

Jesus and Jelly Beans

(I wrote this post two years ago, but felt compelled to re-post for those that missed it first time around. Happy Easter to all!) I did not expect to wake up to the sound of jelly beans hitting the walls and windows. But as I sat up and blinked twice I realized it was...

An Easy Answer

The gentle but firm tug on my scrub pants stopped me half way across the room. I looked down into a beautiful pair of dark eyes that searched mine, needing answers. I had already gone over pain control options, which Marisa desperately needed but her question took me...

Jesus and Jelly Beans

I did not expect to wake up to the sound of jelly beans hitting the walls and windows. But as I sat up and blinked twice I realized it was true. Jelly beans were scattered across my bed and my father was running around our beds yelling, “There he goes! There he goes!”...

Having a Heart of Praise

The pond was beautiful this morning. The woods looked as if God had sifted confectioner’s sugar over the trees and it was cold enough to hold the dusting of snow in place, making the path a distinct white trail. My thoughts drifted upward and my heart was soon filled...