The Call of the Cross

The Call of the Cross

In the cross, in the cross Be my glory ever, Till my ransomed soul shall find Rest beyond the river.   – Fanny Crosby 1869 Hard-boiled eggs.Jelly beans.Easter Lilies.Yuk. Add to that being stuffed into an ill-fitting Easter dress that my mother made, with a death...

And A Lot of Patience

If you are really a Cape Codder, you will never admit that the weather is good – at least without adding a disclaimer like, “What a beautiful day! But tomorrow it’s supposed to rain/snow/hail…” True to my 40 years of being what is called a...

The Cross in the Way

I’ve been thinking about dying a lot lately. Not my physical death, which I have little control over, but the spiritual one. We love words like Resurrection and Regeneration but Jesus talks about the death part a lot and we just kind of nod and change the subject....

Coming Home (or It’s Not My Party)

Friday Dawn I lay in the dark and tried to locate my two granddaughters by their breathing. Brooklynn, age five, had a slower, softer and more rhythmic breath. Olive, at three, had a little bear-cub growl on inspiration and I could tell she was right below me on the...